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View Full Version : Guide to quiz uploading

January 20th, 2006, 10:24 PM
Uploading a quiz is easy. The following may help you to get started:

1) If you haven't already download the quiz maker software
here (http://www.xat.com/xatquiz.exe)

2) You need to register (https://xatquiz.com/forum/register.php) before you can upload to the permanent categories. This is easy and free. You have to check the "Remember Me?" box. If you don't register you can still upload a quiz but it will be deleted some time later.

3) You can delete a quiz after uploading it at any time. If you just want to test the system upload a test quiz to the "Test Quizzes" category and delete it afterwards. (To delete a quiz use Quiz Tools->Edit/Delete Quiz)

4) If you want to upload a quiz that will not be of interest to general visitors or is not in the English language please upload it to the "Member's Quizzes" category.

5) If you upload a quiz with personal details e.g. "What size of shoes does Chris have?" please upload it to the "Member's Quizzes" category.