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View Full Version : Request for tiny additional feature

April 29th, 2003, 02:00 AM
As there is (not yet?) a feature that cuts the length of an MP3 song
to the length of a slide show (e.g. "music spaced to slide show
length"), an MP3 file will need to be trimmed/cut 'ouside'

In order to do that information about the total slide show length in
seconds (depending on # of slides and individual timer sets) would
be appreciated. That info can be presented somewhere on
the 'sequencer tab of a slideshow and can be used to cut the correct
time out of an MP3 file ....

Question: It seems that MP3 software (e.g. Exact Audio Copy) gives a
different length (in seconds) of an MP3 file than XATSHOW. How is
possible ?

regards, Michael