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View Full Version : making xatshow for vcd player

June 26th, 2003, 08:21 AM
recently i came to know about xatshow. i was downloaded the free
software from xat.com. i made a vcd demo with 30+ jpeg files.
and prepared a cd with nero and pal system selection. It is running
verywell on my computer(autorun) . But it is not running on my vcd
player. Please guide me in this regard

prabhakar sastry

June 26th, 2003, 06:15 PM
Hello prabhakar,

Not all DVD players will play VCD 2.0 VCDs

Try the CD in a friends player.


June 27th, 2003, 06:26 AM
hello sir,
thank you for your response.
i am using vcd player , not dvd player
whether it will run on vcd palyers or not ? ,
if yes, please see my problem
thank you

prabhakar sastry

> Hello prabhakar,
> Not all DVD players will play VCD 2.0 VCDs
> Try the CD in a friends player.
> Chris.