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View Full Version : Sick of this spam

July 23rd, 2003, 07:16 AM
This newsgroup is now more spam than info.

I'm outa here.

July 23rd, 2003, 02:43 PM
I am sick of the garbage too and think that all posts show be monitored bef
ore being allowed to post which I know is a pain for anyone to do but it se
ems that there is not a choice anylonger or many people are going to leave
it and it is a shame that there are so many sick people out there whose onl
y goal in life seems to be to ruin a good thing Sandy

July 25th, 2003, 09:31 PM
We haven't really got time to monitor this group. I'm sorry about
the spam but there's not that much is there? We are getting about
10:1 spam to info@ much more than to this group ...


August 1st, 2003, 04:52 AM
> We haven't really got time to monitor this group. I'm sorry about
> the spam but there's not that much is there? We are getting about
> 10:1 spam to info@ much more than to this group ...
> Chris.

Chris, I hope you mean you haven't the time to deal with spam posts.
I would certainly expect xatshow to "monitor" these pages to offer
help to their customers. I just had a very pleasant experience with
one of your tech guys through e-mail and, since I'm buying the
application based on that experience with him I'd like to think that
you folks work the forums to find our problems and concerns.


August 1st, 2003, 03:00 PM
Hello dan

Yes I mean, we haven't time to vet all the emails without adding a painful delay
into the group.
