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August 23rd, 2003, 09:55 PM
I Bought the standard edition & when burning the cd with both options
the pc & vcd on the same cd the pc version looks great & all music
sounds great & everything is in sync with no glitches.
The vcd version when played in a dvd player & I have 3 all new that
play vcd format & it's the same on all 3 some of the pictures are
distorted they have these lines through the picture that look like it
was suppose to be part of the picture but did not get read right in
the create process & it looks like part of a picture on top of
another picture.
The majority of the pictures look great on average 5 or 6 pictures
per cd do this.
I use the sync music to pictures & this makes the pictures & music
work out perfectly but again here & there the music will stop during
a picture change or get a glitch in the music that is not there on
the original music file.
I have a 52x24x52 Madd Dog burner with just link & buffer under run &
using nero burning software even at the lowest burn speed 8x it still
does the same thing.
I have nothing else open or running when I am doing this.
? Ever get the file must be 3 seconds or longer when you add a music
file ? The song is over 3 minutes but that is what pops up ?
Have no idea why that happens most music files it accepts but here &
there it will say must be 3 seconds or longer & they are all the same
type mp3 files.
Soooooooooooooo I am at the point of is it my processor on my
computer that is the culprit with the glitches ?
Running win 98-se 600 mhz.
Again the pc version is great & by the way why are there no
transitions between pictures on vcd but there are on the pc version
although when you are on the sequensor tab there is a check box that
I check that says customize the slide show & shows it to have
transitions & you can choose the effects & time ?
But when you play it they are only on the pc version.
All I want is an honest answer from someone in the know or someone
having the same problems with a bigger & faster processor so I know
the problem is not on my end.
I am going to go by a major brand cdr that specifies video & do it
one more time & compare the ones I made on the maxell.
If it still has glitches in the pic's & music then I am down to two
reasons my pc processor speed or it's just the program I suppose.
It is a shame it does so well the majority of the cd but just enough
glitches to ruin it .
I guess for $39.00 you can't expect too much but if it worked as
advertised I would pay more.
Very simple to use & learning curve is a snap.
I do give an A plus for ease of use.

80 gig & 256mb.
Could it be the type of blank cd's ? I am using Maxell cdr music.

August 23rd, 2003, 11:19 PM
It could be a problem with the burning or quality of the CDs. Pictures are store
on the VCD with no error correction so if its a bad burn the pictures will have
drop outs.

Try different sorts of CDs and a CDRW ?


August 24th, 2003, 10:29 AM
> It could be a problem with the burning or quality of the CDs.
Pictures are store
> on the VCD with no error correction so if its a bad burn the
pictures will have
> drop outs.
> Try different sorts of CDs and a CDRW ?
> Chris.

Why would the pc version play fine & sound fine but the dvd have
glitches since both are on the same disk & burned at the same time on
the same burner in the same speed ? Just trying to understand.
Still did not get an answer as to why there are no transitions on the
vcd only on the pc part although the boxes are checked on the
sequensor tab & it shows the boxes checked that say transition?
Is there a way to have transitions or not on the vcd ?

August 24th, 2003, 04:04 PM
>Why would the pc version play fine & sound fine but the dvd have
>glitches since both are on the same disk & burned at the same time on
>the same burner in the same speed ? Just trying to understand.

The PC show is stored in a different part of the CD and includes powerful error

>Still did not get an answer as to why there are no transitions on the
>vcd only on the pc part although the boxes are checked on the
>sequensor tab & it shows the boxes checked that say transition?
>Is there a way to have transitions or not on the vcd ?

You need 5.1:


Regards Chris.

Last Question I Think LOL ?
Is 5.1 older or newer than 5.2 ?
5.2 is what I was using & on the sequensor tab I had a check in customize slide show, transition showed to be on, duration 2 seconds, normal slide order but no transitions were on vcd ?
Thanks in advance for your patients & answers I am just trying to understand if it was me or the program had a glitch & looked like it would do something it would not?
Is this 5.1 a buy me version or a try me version with a time limit ?

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August 24th, 2003, 04:20 PM
I am using 5.01 and I am not getting the transitions to show up on a VCD al
though they do on the one running on the computer. Sandy

August 24th, 2003, 04:23 PM
>Why would the pc version play fine & sound fine but the dvd have
>glitches since both are on the same disk & burned at the same time on
>the same burner in the same speed ? Just trying to understand.

The PC show is stored in a different part of the CD and includes powerful error

>Still did not get an answer as to why there are no transitions on the
>vcd only on the pc part although the boxes are checked on the
>sequensor tab & it shows the boxes checked that say transition?
>Is there a way to have transitions or not on the vcd ?

You need 5.1:


Regards Chris.