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View Full Version : Attention ( rbowren ) Transitions & Music

September 1st, 2003, 09:52 PM
OK I burned it, the transitions played on my dvd player but some pics are messed up and no music.

<rbowren@ > wrote:? Did you get the transitions to work on the vcd ?
Do you now have transitions when you play it through your dvd player ?
Can you hear your music through your dvd player ?
Can you see the songs at the top before your pictures on the
sequenser tab.
You should see your songs listed first then your pictures right below
them on the sequenser tab before you burn.
If you don't see them listed you won't have them when you burn it.
On the sequenser tab did you use the add files button to add your
music ?
Click on it find your music & click on them one at a time & you
should see them listed above your pictures.
Everytime you add a picture if you click it & highlite it before you
add the next picture they will stay in the order & play in the order
that you added them.