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View Full Version : music doesn't play with slideshow

September 21st, 2003, 11:01 PM
I'd be a buyer in a hurry if the software would play my .mp3 file(s)
with the slideshow. Even with the latest version of WMP installed
(7.1, for Win98), no luck. Pretty pictures, nice transitions, no
sound, no music.

Other posts indicate that installing the latest WMP fixed things but
it hasn't worked for me. I can play my .mp3 files with WMP so I know
it's not a problem with file associations or with WMP in general. I
can also manually run WMP in the background, then play the slideshow,
but it's supposed to be more sophisticated than that. I saw it run
on a friend's machine and t'was awesome. I want that.

Second issue: the "troubleshooting" link in the Xatshow help system
sent me to Update.shtml on the company's website. That page told me
to install Hhupd.exe--which I did--but the page still tells me I need
to install it and never gets around to helping with the problem. Is
there a problem with this particular web page detecting the
components it needs? I've tried it with my firewall turned off but
still the same response.

What audio codec is needed? I can access a list of installed codecs
to check whether I have it. Installing the latest WMP should have
taken care of that, especially since my .mp3s DO play in WMP.


September 23rd, 2003, 05:02 PM
Some MP3s don't work. If you use 5.1 you get a better indic\ation that you are
using an unsupported format (eg MP3 PRO):



September 24th, 2003, 07:43 AM
Thank you, Chris. Version 5.1 produced my first successful music-
accompanied slideshow. I'm not sure what the indication is you
mentioned that would tell me if an MP3 won't work. I didn't see a
diagnostic, but I did notice that on the Sequencer tab the file I'd
been trying to use was listed as being over 35,000 minutes long!
(it's actually about 4 minutes long). Maybe that's the signal?

When I used an mp3 it said was 58 seconds long everything worked & I
even burned a successful CD of it.

I need to show this program to everyone I know. Thanks again.

> Some MP3s don't work. If you use 5.1 you get a better indic\ation
that you are
> using an unsupported format (eg MP3 PRO):
> http://www.xat.com/xatshow/eng.html
> Chris.

September 24th, 2003, 01:58 PM

>I didn't see a
>diagnostic, but I did notice that on the Sequencer tab the file I'd
>been trying to use was listed as being over 35,000 minutes long!
>(it's actually about 4 minutes long). Maybe that's the signal?

Yes, looks like we could improve things further. That was a corrupt MP3 or one
we don't support. Another problem with 5.0 is truncated MP3s. Truncated MP3s are
quite common as they are unfinished downloads and can sound normal if only a
little is missing.
