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View Full Version : Web with Front Page 2000

October 23rd, 2003, 08:45 PM
Problems creating a web with Front Page, xatshow and XP. I
downloaded Sun's Java file but still just get a grey screen instead
of Pics. Background music works fine though. Trying to create a one
page web with xatshow, what web folder should contain the xatshow
web file?

October 23rd, 2003, 11:58 PM

At 14:45 23/10/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>Problems creating a web with Front Page, xatshow and XP. I
>downloaded Sun's Java file but still just get a grey screen instead
>of Pics. Background music works fine though. Trying to create a one
>page web with xatshow, what web folder should contain the xatshow
>web file?

I've tried this - all files associated with the XATshow - html, java stuff
pics, music have to be in the same folder - easiest if in root of web -
otherwise you'll have to edit the applet parameters and that's a fiddle
(although I did that cos I wanted the HTM file in the root of the web and
the rest in a separate folder).

Does that help?



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October 24th, 2003, 01:04 AM
I think you have to upload each picture to the website. There
was someone else a little while ago who had the same problem
when using frontpage.
