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November 5th, 2003, 08:57 PM
Hi Lee,

Thanks for the reply, I am about to whiz off and download the beta
version (thanks for the link as well). I was burning the image on NTI,
but to be honest I e-mailed the file to my mate so I'm not sure if he
was burning the image or the file - never thought to ask him:-/

Once again thanks for the info, it's much appreciated.



Message: 1

Hi, Dave. What you're describing are symptoms of having copied the
file to CD instead of burning it as an image. Your mate's Nero
software should have a selection on the menu something like "Disk
image or saved project" (that's what my Nero Express has) on its main
menu. When an image file (like the .nrg file) is burned as a disk
image, as opposed to simply copying it to a CD, it'll work in a DVD
player that's capable of playing video CDs--some older ones aren't.

Apologies if you've tried that and my advice missed the mark. See
the Troubleshooting link in Xatshow's Help file, if you've not done
so already.

My best advice, though: V5.10 Beta 7 has its own built-in CD burning
function so you don't need either Nero or EZCD Creator software (or
NTI as you have). I've used it and it works well. On the VideoCD
DVD "Settings" tab, under CD Writer File Type, choose "Use Built-In
CD Writer." After you've Created the VideoCD slideshow, one of the
buttons that will come up will be one to burn the CD using the built
in writer. Press that one and away you go. To find a link to that
version, look back in the messages on this forum to either late
September or early October. Look for a message announcing
availability of that (beta) version, which so far has worked
seamlessly for me.

Best of luck!


> Hi,
> I am evaluating V5.02 and like what I've seen so far, but... When I
> try to burn the slide show to cd for DVD viewing the files disappear.

> The slide show definately burns but XP cannot see the files and the
> DVD player tells me the disc is empty. I am using Win XP and NTI CD
> Maker 2000plus to create a disc from the iso image (which XP sees as a

> winrar file?). I have also tried to burn the an .nrg file with my
> software, and also nipped round to my mates and used his nero. Same
> results each time. Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks
> Dave....