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View Full Version : Latest beta XAT

December 6th, 2003, 01:51 AM
I have not had much time for testing recently but today I downloaded the la
test beta and it works a treat. I like the new facilities and think I will
keep this and uninstall my 5.02 that I have had for some time. I like the w
ay the new version stores all your images on the cd.
Nice to hear from Shier, Sandy and Robin, I think we were some of the origi
nals on this forum.
Now Sandy you seem worried about trying the new beta but I have them both r
unning on my computer at the moment with no problems. I installed the beta
in a new directory, in fact on another HD, I changed its name slightly, and
all is well.
I would like to repeat that the other programs I have tried do not reach XA
T's standard. I don't think transitions or music are necessary on a tv show
as they can take attention away from the images, well that is my opinion!
Best wishes to Chris Hart and his colleagues for a job well done.

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Virus Database (VPS): 05/12/2003
Tested on: 05/12/2003 19:51:16
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December 6th, 2003, 01:53 AM
Hi John
I may try to download the newer version to check it out but only have one h
ard drive so not sure what to do as I do not want to get rid of the other o
ne until I see what this one does. Sandy

December 6th, 2003, 01:53 PM
Hi John
That is what I think I will do since I am not doing much with slide shows n
ow until after the holidays anyway.
Anyone want our weather? Will gladly send it to you if I could as we are i
n the middle of a blizzard and I hate it. Sandy

December 6th, 2003, 04:52 PM
From what I have just heard from Chris you might as well wait for next beta
with even more facilities. In your case Sandy just change the name slightl
y so it installs in another directory and from my experience both work inde

December 9th, 2003, 11:36 PM
I'll pass on the snow, but I did take advantage of the weather and
cleaned out my computer desk this weekend!

For what it's worth, I've got 5.10 and 5.02 beta loaded on the same
hard drive. Just put the beta in a different folder. Both seem to
work independantly of the other (properties indentify the correct

I was disappointed in the beta though, as I still did not get
transitions on my DVD player. Unlike John and others, transactions
are what add the finishing touch to some of my shows. I especially
enjoy the fade transition where I can give some action to my photos
through minute changes in the photos. Has anyone been able to
produce transitions on their DVD player using the XAT beta?

> Hi John
> That is what I think I will do since I am not doing much with slide
shows now until after the holidays anyway.
> Anyone want our weather? Will gladly send it to you if I could as
we are in the middle of a blizzard and I hate it. Sandy

December 9th, 2003, 11:37 PM
I'll pass on the snow, but I did take advantage of the weather and
cleaned out my computer desk this weekend!

For what it's worth, I've got 5.10 and 5.02 beta loaded on the same
hard drive. Just put the beta in a different folder. Both seem to
work independantly of the other (properties indentify the correct

I was disappointed in the beta though, as I still did not get
transitions on my DVD player. Unlike John and others, transactions
are what add the finishing touch to some of my shows. I especially
enjoy the fade transition where I can give some action to my photos
through minute changes in the photos. Has anyone been able to
produce transitions on their DVD player using the XAT beta?

> Hi John
> That is what I think I will do since I am not doing much with slide
shows now until after the holidays anyway.
> Anyone want our weather? Will gladly send it to you if I could as
we are in the middle of a blizzard and I hate it. Sandy

December 10th, 2003, 11:14 PM
> I'll pass on the snow, but I did take advantage of the weather and
> cleaned out my computer desk this weekend!
> For what it's worth, I've got 5.10 and 5.02 beta loaded on the same
> hard drive. Just put the beta in a different folder. Both seem to
> work independantly of the other (properties indentify the correct
> version).
> I was disappointed in the beta though, as I still did not get
> transitions on my DVD player. Unlike John and others, transactions
> are what add the finishing touch to some of my shows. I especially
> enjoy the fade transition where I can give some action to my photos
> through minute changes in the photos. Has anyone been able to
> produce transitions on their DVD player using the XAT beta?
> --- In xatshow@ , "Sandra Davenport" <sdavenp1@ >
> wrote:
> > Hi John
> > That is what I think I will do since I am not doing much with
> shows now until after the holidays anyway.
> > Anyone want our weather? Will gladly send it to you if I could
> we are in the middle of a blizzard and I hate it. Sandy
> >