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View Full Version : List of Compatible DVD players for XATSHOW anywhere?

February 12th, 2004, 11:30 AM
MessageI went to walmart last year and bought a $50.00 apex dvd player that
plays everything I've tried so far. Maybe this will help

February 12th, 2004, 12:09 PM
I had same problem; wish xat would provide a list of which dvd are
compatible when you purchase; it's now the old buy the software and
then go buy new hardware to make it work; ps I tried encoding to
Afganistan but it didn't work ...

Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 5:34 AM

My Old DVD player, "Toshiba Model:SVD 280" that was combatible with
XATSHOW just died and I went out and purchased a "Zenith Model:
XBV343", got it setup, and tried one of my Burned XATSHOW Slideshow
CD's and it didn't play. I know the disk works, as I had used it in
my Toshiba and I also have tried it in my Brothers "Toshiba Model:
SDV291".I was wondering if anyone knows of a comaptiblity listing
for DVD players that will work in XATSHOW. I guess the best thing I
can do is take a XATSHOW Slideshow CD along and try it at the store.

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February 12th, 2004, 01:26 PM
thanks I have only 50 bucks to lose..

Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 6:30 AM

I went to walmart last year and bought a $50.00 apex dvd player that
plays everything I've tried so far. Maybe this will help

February 12th, 2004, 02:49 PM
I have an Apex which was under 50.00 at Walmart and it works great. Walmart
will let you try one out or at least here in the store near me will before
buying it. Sandy

February 12th, 2004, 02:50 PM
MessageHey Michael if I recall right you were the one that told me about th
at brand and I agree that it works wonderful and for so little money plus i
t is a nice small unit too. Sandy

February 12th, 2004, 03:21 PM
MessageMichael Hall, would you by any chance know the model number of that
Apex at Walmart?

February 12th, 2004, 04:34 PM
My Old DVD player, "Toshiba Model:SVD 280" that was combatible with
XATSHOW just died and I went out and purchased a "Zenith Model:
XBV343", got it setup, and tried one of my Burned XATSHOW Slideshow
CD's and it didn't play. I know the disk works, as I had used it in
my Toshiba and I also have tried it in my Brothers "Toshiba Model:
SDV291".I was wondering if anyone knows of a comaptiblity listing
for DVD players that will work in XATSHOW. I guess the best thing I
can do is take a XATSHOW Slideshow CD along and try it at the store.

February 12th, 2004, 06:21 PM
MessageMine is model 1100 Sandy

February 13th, 2004, 10:34 AM
MessageSandy, apex model# is 1100, same as yours, as you have pointed out t
he important thing is to know what disks(cd+r or cd-r) are compatible with
your cd player. I just ask to see the manual if I'm not sure.

February 13th, 2004, 10:37 AM
Messagealways glad to help, making slideshows should be fun, not a chore.

February 13th, 2004, 10:50 AM
Messagemine is model# 1100, I looked online at walmart and didn't see an AP
EX model, (that doesn't mean they don't have an APEX) but they had an emers
on for $60.00 that plays cd-r. the best thing is to take your slideshow to
the store and make them play it.

February 13th, 2004, 11:48 AM
Message>>>"Michael Hall:I just ask to see the manual if I'm not sure."<<<

One thing I have found out with my experience the last few days with purcha
sing a new DVD player, is that even if the manual or the info on the box do
es say that they will play in the format you need, it still does not mean t
hat it will play Xatshow as I found out with the Zenith. I guess the best a
dvice is either ask friends that have DVD players if you can try a workable
Xatshow VCD in their DVD player or take it along and try it at the store,
until someone comes up with an up to date XatShow Compatible list.

BTW, I did go buy the "Toshiba Model: SDV291", and it works GREAT. FYI it i
s a DVD/VCR combo and only paid $129.

February 13th, 2004, 03:44 PM
MessageWhen I went to Wal-Mart I asked there and they were not sure so told
me to bring some of my shows in that I had done up and that is what I did.
I took one made with a CD-R and one made with a CD-RW and they both worked
fine when the salesperson tried them.
I usually use the CD-RW to make sure that all is working fine and then do t
he same one with a CD-R so that it is not erased by mistake and then clean
off the CD-RW to reuse for another project. This saves me from wasting a l
ot of disc and of course money. Sandy

February 13th, 2004, 03:48 PM
MessageI agree with that a hundred percent and the only problem I have from
time to time is with the music but I usually try different ones until I ge
t some that will play and I do not do the transitions Sandy

February 14th, 2004, 10:36 AM
Messageexcellent way to do it, Sandy. I've never had much luck with anythin
g that is +r or +rw, So I just stick with -r's.

February 14th, 2004, 08:23 PM
I have never even tried the + ones at all. Sandy

February 14th, 2004, 11:17 PM
> My Old DVD player, "Toshiba Model:SVD 280" that was combatible with
> XATSHOW just died and I went out and purchased a "Zenith Model:
> XBV343", got it setup, and tried one of my Burned XATSHOW Slideshow
> CD's and it didn't play. I know the disk works, as I had used it in
> my Toshiba and I also have tried it in my Brothers "Toshiba Model:
> SDV291".I was wondering if anyone knows of a comaptiblity listing
> for DVD players that will work in XATSHOW. I guess the best thing I
> can do is take a XATSHOW Slideshow CD along and try it at the store.

Most all new DVD players will but DAEWOO brand at Sam's Club is a
whopping $39.00 & it plays everything.

February 16th, 2004, 04:21 PM
good advice; I went to Best Buy and after looking at all the DVD
compatibilty probs; they had one that could plays both + and_ DVD R. I
do not know the difference, but I made several slide shows with the +R
format, which meant my current (Go-Video) DVD --Sonic Blue could not
read the disk; The new one does now, but goodness, they need a course
in how to choose disks before you start all this work. By the way, I
have not figured out how to import music into my slide show--any basic
do and do nots?? Mooly

Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 2:23 PM

I have never even tried the + ones at all. Sandy