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February 7th, 2003, 10:48 AM
The software seems great, but neither the music nor the transitions
seemed to work when I created a video CD and played on my DVD. Any
thoughts for help?

February 7th, 2003, 02:29 PM

Music should be ok but transitions aren't there yet. We are considering this for
the next version.


>The software seems great, but neither the music nor the transitions
>seemed to work when I created a video CD and played on my DVD. Any
>thoughts for help?

February 8th, 2003, 11:31 PM

In regards to no music, how did you add the music to the show, i.e.
was it in the images folder or did you add it from the settings
tab? What type music file was it? Did the music play with the .exe
(if you opted to include a pc show on the VCD disc?


<jelevin@ > wrote:
> The software seems great, but neither the music nor the transitions
> seemed to work when I created a video CD and played on my DVD. Any
> thoughts for help?

March 30th, 2003, 12:12 AM
Please explain little bit more as to what is difference in music

"In regards to no music, how did you add the music to the show, i.e.
> was it in the images folder or did you add it from the settings
> tab? What type music file was it? Did the music play with the .exe
> (if you opted to include a pc show on the VCD disc?
> "

I am adding music file from setting tab.
I am not getting anything on vcd.

i am buring with nero when playing vcd don't get any.
Music slide show by itself is ok.


<boothlester@ > wrote:
> Jelevin,
> In regards to no music, how did you add the music to the show, i.e.
> was it in the images folder or did you add it from the settings
> tab? What type music file was it? Did the music play with the .exe
> (if you opted to include a pc show on the VCD disc?
> Lester
> --- In xatshow@ , "jelevin <jelevin@ >"
> <jelevin@ > wrote:
> > The software seems great, but neither the music nor the
> > seemed to work when I created a video CD and played on my DVD.
> > thoughts for help?