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View Full Version : xatshow 7.0 DVD beta **2** released - 30 day trial

February 17th, 2005, 04:02 PM
Dear Henry,

Ok, try beta 3, it will give you 30 more days:

Regards Chris.

> > Chris: I have just downloaded the software but am
> unable to open a trial version. The error message says
> that my trial period has expired. It has been over 3
> years since I tried this software and would like
> another chance to see what the latest version
> includes. Can you send me a temporary release code?
> Thanks.
> Henry Fischer

> --- xatech >
> > It adds the ability to create DVDs.
> > This version adds the ability to burn DVDs or to
> > make .ISO DVD image
> > files.
> >
> > If you have a burner like Nero or Record now you may
> > be better off
> > making a .ISO and burning that with your burner.
> >
> > If you have time to try it I would appreciate your
> > feedback.
> >
> > Regards Chris.