August 16th, 2005, 01:41 PM
Even if he turns it off to let the other end get it their antivirus may sti
ll stop them from showing it which has happened to me many times but yes yo
u can put it in another folder and give it a new name and then zip it up an
d send it and try it that way but generally it is not that hard to change t
he security settings which is more likely the case in stead of the anti vir
us preventing it to allow exe files.
One other thing of note is that if anyone uses Gmail they can not send nor
receive any exe files at all.
Sandy D
Even if he turns it off to let the other end get it their antivirus may sti
ll stop them from showing it which has happened to me many times but yes yo
u can put it in another folder and give it a new name and then zip it up an
d send it and try it that way but generally it is not that hard to change t
he security settings which is more likely the case in stead of the anti vir
us preventing it to allow exe files.
One other thing of note is that if anyone uses Gmail they can not send nor
receive any exe files at all.
Sandy D