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View Full Version : Several Questions

February 14th, 2003, 02:25 AM
I have a few other questions and hope someone will try to inform me
of the answers Thanks Sandy
1.. Background.. When would you use a background? Would it be if you
have a picture or object that will not fill up the screen?
2. While working on making a show I tried to add MP3's but kept
getting a notice that they must be 3 seconds which all of them were
way more than that but I do not get this notice when using wav
format songs.
3.What is meant by some you referring to Create a Menu? What is this
and what is the purpose of it?
4.Exactly what does VCD stand for? I am thinking that it is a disk
that would be played on a DVD as compared to a regular CD disk?
5. Can you make up a show to put on a regular CD and then later on
put it onto a disk to use in a DVD?
6. I did one show but was not happy with the finsihed product so
went back to make some changes but now I get Do you want to replace
the existing show with that name which I said yes but is there a way
of changing the show without getting rid of the original one or not
and now my last one for now
7. Can you be working on more than one show at a time or not. For
example say I want to make one up for one daughter but at the same
time be making a different one up for another daughter or not?
thanks for all of the patience with me while I am trying to learn to
use this program Sandy D