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February 20th, 2003, 02:12 PM
I for one, want the transitions. Just have an option to turn them on or
off, then everyone is happy!

February 20th, 2003, 04:18 PM
For transitions it would be nice to be able to select "Random, but not
these ones" For instance, I am not fond of the scroll that rolls up -
most other are great - but I don't want to go to manual transitions to
exclude that one.

Also the product referenced generated "dancing pixels" on still images
when it converts them to video and takes a very long time to render.


Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:13 AM

I for one, want the transitions. Just have an option to turn them on or
off, then everyone is happy!

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor




February 20th, 2003, 04:28 PM
I think transitions are just not necessary for a vcd slide show viewed on t
he tv. Yes quality will suffer and I prefer quality to transitions. In fact
with a reasonably long show I think they will become monotonous. So please
don't consider, just my opinion.
In fact I don't like music in the background on a tv slideshow, that can be
a distraction.

February 20th, 2003, 09:58 PM
MessageI agree but would not want to sacrifice quality to have them. If qua
lity was reduced then I would probably never use them

February 20th, 2003, 11:15 PM
>For transitions it would be nice to be able to select "Random, but not
>these ones" For instance, I am not fond of the scroll that rolls up -
>most other are great - but I don't want to go to manual transitions to
>exclude that one.

Its on the drawing board for the future. Obviuosly you can fake it with V by
selecting your favourite transitions.


February 21st, 2003, 12:50 AM
Hello John

It will be possible to have a slideshows with and without on the same CD so
users could choose


>MessageI agree but would not want to sacrifice quality to have them. If quality was reduced then I would probably never use them

February 21st, 2003, 01:17 AM
Hello Chris,
That sounds very good Chris, I know we are all different and have different
priorities. It sounds like you are all working hard and I still say your p
rogram is the BEST. I am so pleased with the quality of the tv images. Some
have mentioned keeping a copy of the original images on the vcd but I find
it is just as easy to keep them on a separate cd. They can use up a lot of
space. I have been using the Microtek film scan 35 which is very good afte
r settings adjustments, and that produces images in bmp of 12Mb. You would
only fit about 54 on a 650 cd. Probably best to convert to jpg after using
any enhancements and editing has finished.

February 22nd, 2003, 06:02 AM
I like having transitions. I do alot of work for Funeral Homes
producing "Tribute" presentations of the departed and all they are
wanting are just fades or what some call desolves. Of course I would
like to keep the quality with the fades but for now all I am using is
just cuts.

March 18th, 2003, 07:02 PM
John, the mp3 was 4.6MB. Yes, there was one bmp. But I tried
another presentation with only 13 pictures and not go. Chris sent me
some info and I will check that out.

You and I are the direct opposite of presentations. Coming from Pic
To Exe I love using music for creativity and usually just disolves.

If I wanted to just show pictures with out music I would use Ifran
which can take any number of pictures and make a presentation with or
without music. But you can not make cd's or vcds. It is just a tool
but also you can touch of pictures and make them look good, bigger
and better.

I do my share of work for customers and by adding music and cuts or
fades gives the presentation a professional look.


May 13th, 2003, 02:06 PM
I too have the latest one with the built in burning program and it works gr
eat other than I too can not get the transitions to work but there was one
person here on the forum that said that they did for him but how he did it
I don't know. I also used another program that did them fine but love Xat
for being so user friendly Sandy

May 13th, 2003, 05:57 PM
Hi all,

I have just upgraded to the latest version of xatshow, and everything
is fine, except the transitions don't work with VCD, they work ok on
the pc, but not on my DVD player, I don't think it is my DVD, because
transitions work with another application I tried (Flyvcd ) so has
anyone else had this problem ?

May 13th, 2003, 06:39 PM
> Hi
> I too have the latest one with the built in burning program and it
works great other than I too can not get the transitions to work but
there was one person here on the forum that said that they did for
him but how he did it I don't know. I also used another program that
did them fine but love Xat for being so user friendly Sandy

Hi Sandy,
I have version 5.02 which I thought was the latest? which version
uses a built in burning program ? mine uses Nero, which is on my
machine ,
and your right , it is a user friendly program :),


May 13th, 2003, 09:36 PM
Transistions work just fine on my DVD player on the tv.

May 13th, 2003, 09:37 PM
As I said they worked fine for me on tv, but I am now back with 5.02. I was
just trying the beta.

May 14th, 2003, 06:46 AM
> Transistions work just fine on my DVD player on the tv.
> John

Hi John,

Do the Transitions work when you use 5.02, or the beta version, or
both ?


May 14th, 2003, 01:37 PM
Hi Chris,
This is an odd one. I have as you know bought at and had version 5.02 on my
computer but was not able to get my music and such to work with the VCD's
but the new encoder that you suggested to me has taken care of that proble
Now you have the new beta version which has the built in burning software o
r program and also is reported to make it so that you can burn the VCD's wi
th transitions for the television.
Okay now here is my problem... I wanted to download the new version so that
I could see what the transitions looked like with Xat and liked the built
in burning program. I was told by you and others that it would over write
the older version (5.02) so I did as one of the members did and downloaded
it to another folder. Now I did not pay attention when I brought up the pro
gram from what I thought to be the new beta one that in reality it was stil
l the older 5.02 only with the burning program apparently working in it but
the transitions still do not work. After doing a show and seeing that the
transitions did not work I went to both Xat icons and checked and sure enou
gh both had the same version written on them> 5.02.
I do not need the transitions but would like to see how they look on the te
levision and maybe I would not like that but hate to remove Xat from here a
nd then download the beta again if not necessary to try it and then take th
at one out and redo my original program again. Sandy

May 14th, 2003, 03:18 PM
>Do the Transitions work when you use 5.02, or the beta version, or
>both ?

If you want them on VCD you need to use the beta:



May 14th, 2003, 03:26 PM
Hi Ray,
The transitions for vcd only work on the latest beta's. They are not availa
ble on 5.02, only for pc slide shows.

May 14th, 2003, 06:23 PM
> Hi Ray,
> The transitions for vcd only work on the latest beta's. They are
not available on 5.02, only for pc slide shows.
> John

Ok, thanks John,


May 14th, 2003, 07:32 PM
I figured that I could take out the one and do the other one to see how it
works but it was confusing as I had downloaded the beta to a separate folde
r but when I went to use it I still had the 5.02 version which of course wi
ll not do the transitions on the television but the new burning stuff worke
d on it. Figure that one out LOL Meanwhile I am going broke buying disc d
oing up shows and enjoying it Need to find a wholesaler of disc. Sandy

May 15th, 2003, 12:00 AM
Hello Sandra

If you download 5.02 (xatshowi.exe) and 5.1 (xatshow51b6.exe) to the same place,
you can install 5.1 and if it doesn't work go back to 5.02

You can see what you are running from the about tab.


May 15th, 2003, 12:50 AM
Use cd rw's, can always reuse them so no coasters!

December 29th, 2003, 11:47 AM
I just tried this product. It is by far the easiest and stable
slideshow I have tried.
But without any transitions for VCD it is a dead loss.
Also I found that if I tried to include MP3s It hung up. Once I used
wavs everything worked fine.

January 1st, 2004, 03:06 AM
> I just tried this product. It is by far the easiest and stable
> slideshow I have tried.
> But without any transitions for VCD it is a dead loss.
> Also I found that if I tried to include MP3s It hung up. Once I
> wavs everything worked fine.

Some MP3 formats won't work, and often those are the kind one
downloads from the internet. MP3 PRO format doesn't work, for
example. Try ripping your own MP3s from favorite CDs; you might need
to experiment a bit to find rip programs and settings that work for
you. On advice from other Forum members I downloaded CDex, free.
Sorry, don't remember the URL.

Also, the latest "engineering" version _does_ allow transitions with
a VCD. It's version 5.10 beta 7 (you may have the latest general
release version: 5.02) and it's available from
www.xat.com/xatshow/eng.html. This version also includes its own
built-in CD burning software so you can burn your VCD without leaving
the program! Best of luck!


January 4th, 2004, 11:19 PM
Transitions appear to be unusable due to a huge degradation in image
quality. The only way to get good image quality is to use the 'no
transitions' setting. This makes transitions unusable for me, any
hope this will get addressed?
Dan (first time poster, love XAT so far, mostly)

> Also, the latest "engineering" version _does_ allow transitions
with a VCD. It's version 5.10 beta 7 (you may have the latest
general release version: 5.02) and it's available from
> Lee

January 9th, 2004, 02:06 AM
I haven't noticed that problem with the few slideshows I've made so
far--will have to look closer at the next one I make. Maybe my
photos are low enough resolution (scanned at 300 DPI or thereabouts)
that image degradation isn't noticable, or doesn't happen. I don't
use transitions much yet, though. You might ask the forum moderator
Chris about the transition vs. resolution problem.

The only problem I'm having with Xatshow is that now all my relatives
expect me to make them slideshows on their birthdays. Lee

> Transitions appear to be unusable due to a huge degradation in
> quality. The only way to get good image quality is to use the 'no
> transitions' setting. This makes transitions unusable for me, any
> hope this will get addressed?
> Dan (first time poster, love XAT so far, mostly)
> > Also, the latest "engineering" version _does_ allow transitions
> with a VCD. It's version 5.10 beta 7 (you may have the latest
> general release version: 5.02) and it's available from
> www.xat.com/xatshow/eng.html.
> > Lee