View Full Version : Internet troll!

Lothos Von Omega
August 16th, 2007, 12:31 AM
I have this room named Graveyard:


for a couple a months roughly. Since yesterday, I kept getting threats from a user who has been stealing page ideas from me and has made an URL:


The chat owner (Named "Nightmare") who has been threatening to hack my group and throwing in abuse. I kept banning him forever but he keeps coming back unbanned.

Advice please.

August 16th, 2007, 05:56 AM
theres no law that says if you have a room called graveyard i cant make grave_yard and your just mad cause my rooms more popular so yeah i got many ppl that i know that come to my room so shut up just cause ur room isnt popular dont blame ppl for naming a better room :mad:


August 16th, 2007, 06:01 AM
for the advertiseing :) cause ive done nothing wrong all i did was make a room called grave_yard

Lothos Von Omega
August 16th, 2007, 06:21 AM
No, it's not against the law to make a web address almost the same as mine, But you have violated many other things that other group owners don't appreciate nor tolerate.

But I do know you've been harrasing others, hacking, flaming, impersonating, threatening other group owners and I am reporting you to the staff about your unpleasant activities and reputation.

I don't realy care that my room isn't popular, because I do not advertise.

Now back on the main topic, this is about what you are doing to other people who now reject you in their groups.

You're the one who is whining according to many of your posts on this forum, and you say I'm the one who is mad?

I will leave this to the XATECH staff to make thier judgements on the situation. I am not going to argue with you ZyGod, nightmare, wicked or whatever you want to be called.

for the advertiseing :) cause ive done nothing wrong all i did was make a room called grave_yard

You've been advertising the same groups again and again, even in threads that shouldn't have advertisements.

August 16th, 2007, 06:32 AM
ok if im a hacker wow ok im giving xatech permission to check my ip and any activity i have done here on xatech they will fine no evidence of me hacking cause im not a hacker just cause you cant ban me doesnt make me a hacker!!!!!! its all so simple to explain

August 16th, 2007, 06:35 AM
im so zygod you wouldnt believe it lol :cool: i wish i was hes awsome

Lothos Von Omega
August 16th, 2007, 03:49 PM
ok if im a hacker wow ok im giving xatech permission to check my ip and any activity i have done here on xatech they will fine no evidence of me hacking cause im not a hacker just cause you cant ban me doesnt make me a hacker!!!!!! its all so simple to explain

Xatech doesn't need permission at all to look up your IP address, silly. They already know it and can check it anytime without you being aware of it. Every member on this board has their IP visible to the staff, even my own.

August 16th, 2007, 10:43 PM
that means if i was a hacker i dont think i would be on the forums for xatech to have my ip now would i ?

unlike some real hackers like that talix guy !!!!!

but that proves im not a hacker so get off my case:mad:

Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 05:51 AM
You could be using another IP or a proxy connection, Chrissy boy. It all comes from the verbal hack threats you've been throwing a people. That's proof enough. My finger is pointing and it's pointing at you, buddy!

You've done all this and looking round the forums, you said you want to help XAT.

August 17th, 2007, 06:54 AM
lets see if im a hacker xatech would know retard there not stupid :mad:

i believe they know im not a hacker !!!!! so this is thwe last time im gonna tall you to get off my case !!!!

justin, chris or darren close this thread

Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 06:59 AM
You are still a troll and a thief, many people know it. You've started trouble, and if you can't finish it, then that's your own problem. Look at yourself, you are still been abusive and is hiding fear and guilt behind aggression.

I will not get off your case until you confess and apologise to all those you've been attacking, and I mean the group owners you've been attacking who have done nothing to you, not even myself.

Getting some code to unban yourself from your own will is hacker enough to me. You cannot argue with this one.

I'm going to place links to these threads from my room for visitors and members to see.

lets see if im a hacker xatech would know retard there not stupid :mad:

Now that's a very clever form of flaming. Bravo, old chap. You must be so proud of yourself. *Sarcasm* ;)

August 17th, 2007, 07:58 AM
not a code retard its plain simple knowlegde of a computer and flash cookies

lets see first if you advertise or w/e uyou wanna do and sign iout befor ur baned then delete your flash cookies and sign back in you aviod the baning so how is that hacking !!:mad: its just smarts so post away cause ive done nothing wrong

Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 08:11 AM
You used this to gain popularity and made many enemies in the process and simply cheat in the game.

You're an angry, sociopathic and a desperate kid in nature. Not our problem.

August 17th, 2007, 08:24 AM
You used this to gain popularity and made many enemies in the process and simply cheat in the game.

You're an angry, sociopathic and a desperate kid in nature. Not our problem.


Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 08:28 AM

Oh look, he can't tell the difference between name-calling and stating descriptive words. Now this is starting to get a little higher than laughable. :D

August 17th, 2007, 08:35 AM
ok you got jokes well wat about this mr funny how about the fact the bg on your chats looks really familar maybe cause i had it on my chat mr wiked stole the name of my chat and made it popular wawawawawa im cry a river and start a forum calling someone a troll :rolleyes: you need a life stop playin pokemon cards or w/e you play and get a gf or a bf w/e you prefer and leave me alone im tired of coming backn and forth for these stupid lil posts and im sure xatech is getting tired of reading the same stuff over and over again :rolleyes:

Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 08:45 AM
They aren't jokes, silly. I was simply calling you on your errors. You're a thief and is using a weak tactic of saying your victims are the ones that steal from you.

And like I said, you've started all this and now you want to be left alone. You continue to spam my chatroom and you now say this?

You cannot have this both ways. When you attack something, you expect the target to fight back.

Stupid little posts you say? You lack spelling, grammar and you double post.

August 17th, 2007, 09:03 AM
last time i checked its not stealling to make a room almost like the original plus ur room was a dead room wen i made mine and now that my room is popular you wanna make big deal about it so stfu and get over it im tired of this stuff

xatech stop this now!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: wanna talk im done fighting in the forum wanna talk come here ill be waiting www.xatech.com/help

Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 09:12 AM
last time i checked its not stealling to make a room almost like the original plus ur room was a dead room wen i made mine and now that my room is popular you wanna make big deal about it so stfu and get over it im tired of this stuff

You are not going to sneak out of this one. It's stealing alright as you didn't ask permission at all. So, you are a thief and disrespect others by just taking things without letting them know beforehand.

August 17th, 2007, 09:22 AM
im getting more ppl involved in this one its not stealing:mad:

Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 09:24 AM
You may say what you want here. I'm sure the XAT staff would close this thread by now if they wanted it closed, but they do want to know what is going on.

August 17th, 2007, 09:27 AM
ill tell them your mad cause i copyed the name of ur room graveyard by making grave_yard not stealing

Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 09:32 AM
Mad? My humour has nothing to do with it.

You didn't ask me permission so you are a thief. You lack imagination. Simple.

August 17th, 2007, 09:34 AM
so i can make another room called graveyard_ its not eligal cause the name is a availble just cause ur name is gaveyard means nada

Lothos Von Omega
August 17th, 2007, 09:54 AM
And I could create "NightmareLandHangout" without underscores for example, but I would be stupid, if I ever did make that web address. Not unique in title.

August 17th, 2007, 10:10 AM
dont matter if this is a ploy to make me shut down my chat isnt gonna happen:cool:

August 17th, 2007, 10:18 PM
Why would anyone want to shut down one of your chats when you have a dozen and you'll make another and spam that one in other ppls rooms. Chris everyone is tired of the crap you're trying to pull. when I have clear pictures of you talking to your friends saying stuff like and i quote: "steal the code." and threatening me and spamming my chat. It was probably you that i banned the other day for impersonating a xat employee and asking for my pw which you yourself have said you've done before. You keep saying your room is "popular" but it must be lonely when most of the users are you under different names. Also you could learn to be a little more grateful for what you have instead of envious of others. Some people don't get anyone in their groups on a regular basis. Please stop calling me your "enemy" when I've done nothing to you.

Lothos Von Omega you're not the only one. ^_^

August 18th, 2007, 01:04 AM
you guys havw fun with ur lil troll thing i was told by daren to ignore this so thats wat im doing

this thread is closed to me good bye:)