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February 23rd, 2003, 12:10 AM
xatshow 5.02 released 19 Feb 2003

Latest version 5.02:

Chris, I know I have version 5.00 and yet you say:
xatshow 5.02 released 19 Feb 2003. Is that for ALL?

Latest version 5.02:

When I download it like always before the portions are greyed out
open and save etc.

I don't want to memtioned my other forum program but when there is a
new verson be it beta or what I know about it. Now I might have
missed something in this forum and you can let me know but I fell
like I might miss out on a new version that will work for me. As
usual I kept the 5.00 version on file and it is functioning again.

February 23rd, 2003, 02:30 AM
Hello Harry

>Chris, I know I have version 5.00 and yet you say:
>xatshow 5.02 released 19 Feb 2003. Is that for ALL?

Yes just get the main download from the site.

>When I download it like always before the portions are greyed out
>open and save etc.

Odd, try entering your code again.

I plan to announce betas in this forum, in fact there is one bubbling up soon

Ther is no beta at present.


July 29th, 2003, 07:34 AM
I am using 5.10 beta 7 is that the latest one? If not could someone
let me know.

I finally doing menu's now!!

But I have a question though.

When I add another presentation and save it does the program save
everything all over again including the new presentation just added.

Also, I have also worked out the music problem I had of the program
redoing the music over and over. I made a file for just the XAT
programs and if I repeat a song as long as the program set it wonce
it need not do it again!!

When I want to see how manny total MB I have used and what is left I
go to my Roxio program and it tells me.