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Old May 3rd, 2004, 12:39 AM
ssstevens89048 ssstevens89048 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 0

Thanks Shier
I did download where you told me to.When I got it all set up I tried a new
show.It looks good on my pc pics,transitions,one tune,But as soon as I put
it on TV same thing as before no transitions on my show.Has pic's music tha
t is all.
Thanks a million


Sandy is talking about version 5.10 beta 7

Get it here. It will solve many of your problems

At 04:12 PM 02/05/2004, you wrote:

OK Sandy
Now some one I know maybe I can find out some thiings.First I downloaded
the new 5.02.But you must be talking about something else what is a beta.Is
that a desiese you may get from going to beda to early??
they do have it now but it is a beta Sandy

I am not sure I understand all the lingo out there but is someone

sayiny that zatshow has a new one out that will play transitions and

all on the TV??

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