Thread: XAT
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Old May 4th, 2004, 04:33 PM
nrcems nrcems is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Have you tried it without the music? Let's diagnose the problem one step at
a time. Your music seems to be taking up a lot of the CD's capacity which
limits the number of images. What is the music format (mp3, WAV, etc.)?

Transitions will work for your DVD player only at 352x240
resolution. Check your transitions setting.

Also, not all CDs are created equal. Are you using a good quality CD
(Memorex, Sony, Maxell, etc.)?


At 04:27 PM 03/05/2004, you wrote:

>You guys are lucky unforunately mine doesn't work
>anybody here can give me simple instruction how to use it
>thanks...whenever I hit vcd I can oly put 20pics. then it pops up on me
>that I reach 700 mb, any help will appreciate.... thanks.... any email
>work for xat just wnat to send them email...... the
>At 04:12 PM 02/05/2004, you wrote:
>>OK Sandy
>>Now some one I know maybe I can find out some thiings.First I downloaded
>>the new 5.02.But you must be talking about something else what is a
>>beta.Is that a desiese you may get from going to beda to early??
>>they do have it now but it is a beta Sandy
>>I am not sure I understand all the lingo out there but is someone
>>sayiny that zatshow has a new one out that will play transitions and
>>all on the TV??
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