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Old May 11th, 2004, 12:01 AM
mike_m_302 mike_m_302 is offline
Join Date: May 2004
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screen saver dual monitors woes...

I would like to use this product, but have run into a problem:

I'm running win XP Pro with dual monitors and my screen saver images are centered on the seam between the two monitors. I can not find any way to make the screen saver pick one window or the other.

the "My Picture Slideshow" screen saver that comes with XP works perfectly fine with dual monitors, so I'm a little surprised that this otherwise great product can not. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I would like to use this product, but have run into a problem:

I'm running win XP Pro with dual monitors and my screen saverimages are centered on the seam between the two monitors. I can not find any way to make the screen saver pick one window or the other.

the "My Picture Slideshow" screen saver that comes with XP works perfectly fine with dual monitors, so I'm a little surprised that this otherwise great product can not. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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