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Old June 1st, 2004, 09:31 PM
rbowren rbowren is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
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On the settings tab at the right bottom half of the page click on the
drop down menu for transitions & choose the one you want.
Then click on the drop down menu for format & choose 352x240 with
transitions & of course choose either spaced to music or sync to
music which is what I have used on the options tab.
You just have to get an idea of how long you want each picture to
stay on the screen & then calculate how much time you need in music.
Example I used 50 pictures, 5 seconds each, 50 x 5 +250 seconds
divided by 60 seconds = 4 minutes 16 seconds so I use as close to
that amount of time in music as I can get & it will do the rest &
sync the music to the pictures for you.
I hope this helps I remember how frustrated I was at first & it is
hard to get someone to walk you through it.

> ----Sandy
> I just went back in and made up another show using complete
different set of pic's all settings changed.Same thing on my pc not a
problem looks good.But when I played it on my TV pics good music fine
only one tune.But no transitions I know you do not use them for your
DVD set ups but that is what I want to do.
> Sandy
> Gosh I do not understand why that is as it worked fine for me the
one time that I used it but like I said I don't like the transitions
on the television at all. Sandy

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