Thread: Just New
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Old February 26th, 2003, 05:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Just New

Boy isn't that the truth. But then when my husband was living I would not h
ave had the time to be on here like I am now. I have only had a computer fo
r a little less than three years but love it and am always trying to learn
different stuff on here. I just finished an online course in using Adobe Ph
otoshop 6.0 but still not too good at using it but am able to do more with
it than I could six weeks ago.
I used to do a lot of photography and had my own darkroom but now where I a
m living I do not have the room to set it up so I am doing most of the thin
gs on here but it is not the same. Miss that smell of the darkroom and the
satisfaction of taking a negative and coming up with a nice print but life
goes on and we have to adjust to it. Sandy

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