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Old March 2nd, 2003, 01:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Another question

I am sorry but yes I did make a mistake in writing it down. Okay now I have
a better idea what that is and I guess the only thing now to do is to try
to send to the burner and see what happens. Heck the worse thing is that I
will end up with another coaster from the disc. I may have to consider gett
ing another burner if I want to proceed with doing this but do not understa
nd why one burner will work and not another one. Are you familiar with the
EZ CD creator program at all or not.
My problem is that the guy who set up this computer for me used the hard dr
ive from my old one to transfer everything to the new one telling me that t
he software would not work on here with XP but I am not sure that he was ri
ght but since he has been in the business for several years hated to really
question him on it. When I had my old puter and the original software I ha
d a lot more different choices of burning than what I do now.
Thanks again for taking the time to help me out with this. I really appreci
ate it and hate to act so dumb about the whole process. I keep going to the
forum and taking notes from it to hopefully learn more about the program,
as I do like it the best of any that I have tried out. Sandy

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