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Old March 12th, 2003, 09:04 AM
still_clucking still_clucking is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Doing a show on VCD

> I do not yet have Easy Creator for burning a VCD yet but want to
> know if I should get the new version out that is version 6 as that
> is not listed on the ones work with this program or should I look
> for the 5 version of it.
> Also I take it from reading the tutorial that I can do the show
> and choose the format for the Easy creator and burn it later on.
> this correct?
> I know that the transitions do not work good for doing this but is
> it an automatic what I would call cut that moves one picture to
> other one?
> Also do I still use the tab that I can see what each one will look
> like on the show or do I have to just go with the automatic crop
> fit screen on doing it this way?
> Also for example if I have thirty pictures what would be a good
> number of songs to play with it? Is there any special way of
> figuring out a method for doing this? I have noticed on doing the
> shows for on the computer that sometimes the pictures stay on
> than what I had set and I take it that this is to go along with
> music. Maybe I need less music or more pictures.
> As you can see I am still experimenting with the program but love
> Also is there a place on the internet that I can download the Easy
> Creator program from? I realize that I have to pay for it but
> thought that this may be the best way to obtain it. Thanks Sandy
> Davenport Sandy, the way I figure the music time is: for 30
pics, show each 10 seconds that's 300 seconds plus 5 seconds each
transition=150 second, add both=450 seconds thats 7 1/2 minutes of
music needed. Find one or two songs about 3 minutes 50 seconds each.
Should come out well at end of show.

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