Thread: Transitions
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Old March 18th, 2003, 07:02 PM
photos1232003 photos1232003 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
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John, the mp3 was 4.6MB. Yes, there was one bmp. But I tried
another presentation with only 13 pictures and not go. Chris sent me
some info and I will check that out.

You and I are the direct opposite of presentations. Coming from Pic
To Exe I love using music for creativity and usually just disolves.

If I wanted to just show pictures with out music I would use Ifran
which can take any number of pictures and make a presentation with or
without music. But you can not make cd's or vcds. It is just a tool
but also you can touch of pictures and make them look good, bigger
and better.

I do my share of work for customers and by adding music and cuts or
fades gives the presentation a professional look.


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