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Old April 1st, 2003, 04:26 AM
Posts: n/a
Dies after 8 GB Temp file is created...

The first time this happened it was an MP3 that I had concatenated with
shareware called "MP3CUTTER"

I wondered if it might be a part of the problem, so I went back the the
three original MP3s I made with the latest version of MusicMatch and it
still happened. I think MusicMatch is making complete MP3s.


Darwin Sanoy
Principal Consultant / Instructor

Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 3:57 PM

Hello Darwin

This is a bug that occurs if the MP3 is incomplete (eg not fully
downloaded). If
you use good MP3 all will be well.

This will be fixed in the next release.

Regards Chris.

>When I generate a VCD show it fills up my disk with an 8 GB temp file
>before dying due to a lack of disk space.

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