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Old April 17th, 2003, 01:24 AM
frybo30 frybo30 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Pause during DVD show? Delete an image?

Thanks to both Sandy and Chris!

> >1. Is there a way to pause during a
> >slideshow I'm viewing on my DVD player?
> This will depend to some extent on your DVD player. If you have
music you use
> the pause button. With no music I haven't found a way with the
players I have
> used.
> >2. Once I have added images in the Sequencer mode to
> >make a slide show or screen saver--and before I have hit the
> >tab--can I delete an image?
> As Sandy says you can use the delete button. Version 5.1 lets you
use the delete
> key on the keyboard.
> (5.1 is at: )
> Chris.

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