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Old June 26th, 2003, 06:15 PM
info_xatcom info_xatcom is offline
Join Date: Feb 2001
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xat slide show - monster temp file - hangs up

Is this with or without transitions?

Can you try it on another DVD player?


>OK, I installed 5.1 and did the create - which ran all the way with
>no indicated errors. When I play it in my DVD player, the main menu
>looks good with background music playing. But when I select any of
>the 4 slide shows, the background music is NOT there and the
>pictures advance in an erratic way - first picture stays on for a
>long time, like 10 sec, then next picture stays on very short, less
>than 1 sec, etc. I rechecked all my settings and all slide shows are
>set to "Spaced to music length". Now what do I do?

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