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Old July 20th, 2003, 06:26 PM
info_xatcom info_xatcom is offline
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 0
Automatic burn button fails


Click new

then type in CIF

Then chnge the program associted with it toi EASy CD


>I clicked "Add" on the file types box and got a box with the
>following in it:
>Add New File Type
> Description of type
> Associated extension
> Content Type (MIME): Drop-down box with these choices:
>application/hta; application/mac-binhex40; application/msword;
>application/pdf; application/pkix-cert
> Default Extension for Content Type (greyed out)
>Actions: (White rectangular box follows)
> Under this box are:
> New Edit Remove Set Default
> All but New are greyed out
>Enable Quick View Confirm open after download (checked)
>Always show extension Browser in same window
> OK Cancel
>Can you decifer this for me? I could try to send a Screen Shot if

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