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Old August 14th, 2003, 09:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Image Not Created by Xatshow.

Could the problem be in browser settings? The images display
perfectly when viewed on my desktop, but do not display when I log
onto the web page online. Tuesday I was over at my library and
logged onto both web pages; the slide shows displayed perfectly. I
simply cannot view online images on my computer. I have tried with
the firewall ON, and with it OFF, still no changes.

> Okay, last week I could see only a black screen in the slide show,
> with the error message "Image not created by Xatshow." Of course,
> the images were created with Xatshow, so I do not understand this
> error. Finally, by renaming the images using a simple 01.jpg,
> 02.jpg, etc, I created a new slide show and uploaded and
> worked fine. I sent the URL to many of my chums and they liked
> slide show, except one chum (using Win XP and IEX 6.0) said she
> received the black screen. I also use Win XP and IEX 6.0.
> This week I went back to the site, lo and behold, I am only
> receiving the black screen again! Although the web show worked
> week, it does not work this week. What the $%^#@ is going on?
> --- In xatshow@ , "robin" <robin.l.garrison@ >
> wrote:
> > Did you upload each individual picture?
> > robin
> >

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