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Old August 29th, 2003, 05:22 PM
crs24 crs24 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
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What's the final word on versions?

There is nothing wrong with the hardware/disks. All my problems
started when I upgraded to the later version that allowed
transitions for VCD slideshows (which is EXACTLY what I was waiting
for). Now the program does what it does for most of the folks who
post here:
- it hangs during creation.
- states an out of disk space message (which is erroneous).
- takes FOREVER to get that far to the error problems.

I could go back to the earlier version, but then it does not do what
I really want it to do.

There appears to be a beta and a later version. This is confusing.
This is why I ask if there is "definitive answer" to which version
will actually work as it is supposed to.
Would you try again please, with an answer.

> info@ wrote:We don't have a definitive answer. Without having
access to your system its not
> possible for us to investigate fully.
> The problems could be:
> Poor quality CDs / burning combination
> Bug in DVD player
> Bug in xatshow
> But its pretty much impossible for us to determine which it is
without having
> access to equipment that doesn't work. It works on the equipment
we have tried.
> Chris.

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