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Old September 5th, 2003, 03:40 AM
Posts: n/a
Purchasing Xatshow 5.02

I just downloaded this new one to give it a try and right away I got an err
or but forgot to look at it that good when I went to burn the show. I did n
ot realize that you need a DVD player on the computer to see the shows so n
ow I am not any longer even interested in it.
I like Xat the best of any that I have used to date and that is quite a few
progams although I do have problems with some of the music that I would li
ke to use but I just go on to other songs. I have saved the show and previ
ewed it as created on the computer and burned it later on with my burner pr
ograms but usually just go ahead and burn anyway when I am done with it. If
it is not to my liking then I just erase the disc and redo Sandy

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