> I tried 5.1. The results w/o transitions in DVD playback are
excellent. I do not find that lower resolution playback in order to
obtain transitions is any improvement. Maybe a later version that
achieves max resolution and transitions will be forthcoming? Anyway,
the big improvement I find with this version is the provision for
archiving the photos. Keep up the good work on an excellent product.
> info@ wrote:
> >How do I obtain version 5.1?
> Chris.
I tried the 5.1 eng version 5, CD/DVD with Transitions on (3)
different DVD player and the following resulted on all.
. Screen flickers & music breaks up.
. Transitions are skippy & jerky.
. Pictures are blurred and distorted
. Incomplete screen painting & some transitions are faster then
. Also the amount of time to create a CD with Transistions increased
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