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Old December 5th, 2003, 06:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Burning the ISO to VCD concept-Fixed

Sincerest Apology...
When I sent my email, I thought it was only going to SDavenport, didn't realize it would be posted. I didn't mean to bash XATSHOW, just making a recommendation for what worked better for me.

Ron Bolden

I'm with John Greenwood, whose advice I have followed since I started producing slide shows more than a year ago

XAT is easy to set up and provides excellent quality if you keep it simple and forget about the transitions for TV veiwing.

If you must have transitions, view the shows on your computer monitor.

Also, it is the only program I know of which allows you to control the time each individual image in the show stays on the screen. You do this by setting the time to zero (0) and controlling the show with your remote.

At 02:12 PM 04/12/2003, you wrote:

In my opinion and after trying out most of these programs I am convinced that Chris's XAT is the best quality performer. I just make tv shows with no transitions and the quality of the images is excellent.
PS Hello Sandy

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