I have not had much time for testing recently but today I downloaded the la
test beta and it works a treat. I like the new facilities and think I will
keep this and uninstall my 5.02 that I have had for some time. I like the w
ay the new version stores all your images on the cd.
Nice to hear from Shier, Sandy and Robin, I think we were some of the origi
nals on this forum.
Now Sandy you seem worried about trying the new beta but I have them both r
unning on my computer at the moment with no problems. I installed the beta
in a new directory, in fact on another HD, I changed its name slightly, and
all is well.
I would like to repeat that the other programs I have tried do not reach XA
T's standard. I don't think transitions or music are necessary on a tv show
as they can take attention away from the images, well that is my opinion!
Best wishes to Chris Hart and his colleagues for a job well done.
avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 05/12/2003
Tested on: 05/12/2003 19:51:16
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