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Old February 10th, 2003, 06:25 PM
hjfischer hjfischer is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Archiving Feature suggestion and Understanding Music

news@ wrote:Complete archiving for home viewing and complete archive viewing for

At this point I am not planning to force them to watch the entire VCD in
one sitting <grin>. However, I know they would loose 50 different CDs
if I compose them as little "watchable shows".

Which just made me think of a question/suggestion. Is there anyway to
make the PC slide show contain the full version of the photo (uncropped,
uncompressed) - so I could use the VCD generation as an achive of print
quality versions of the pictures. I know this dramatically reduces the
amount that can fit on a VCD - but not having to have a separate
archiving routine would sure be beneficial.


Darwin Sanoy
Principal Consultant / Instructor

Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 10:38 AM

If you make a show that has 1700 slides and is 56 minutes long not only
will this make a HUGE file on your machine, but your viewers will likely
die a horrible death from "slideshow overdose." What is it you are
doing that requires a 1700 slide show??

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