Thread: Transitions
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Old January 1st, 2004, 02:06 AM
thehamguy1 thehamguy1 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 0

> I just tried this product. It is by far the easiest and stable
> slideshow I have tried.
> But without any transitions for VCD it is a dead loss.
> Also I found that if I tried to include MP3s It hung up. Once I
> wavs everything worked fine.

Some MP3 formats won't work, and often those are the kind one
downloads from the internet. MP3 PRO format doesn't work, for
example. Try ripping your own MP3s from favorite CDs; you might need
to experiment a bit to find rip programs and settings that work for
you. On advice from other Forum members I downloaded CDex, free.
Sorry, don't remember the URL.

Also, the latest "engineering" version _does_ allow transitions with
a VCD. It's version 5.10 beta 7 (you may have the latest general
release version: 5.02) and it's available from This version also includes its own
built-in CD burning software so you can burn your VCD without leaving
the program! Best of luck!


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