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Old February 13th, 2005, 01:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Sorry more on re sizing for slide show making.

I do all of my images at 640 x 480 for my slide shows and they work great.
Only thing is on vertical shots then you have to make the height no more th
an 480 or they get cut off on the bottom. With this sizing I have to do ver
y little cropping within the show itself. I generally make sure that I have
a black background around the image so that it blends in with the screen.
I do mine all in psp. Sandy

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Old February 13th, 2005, 03:23 PM
ssstevens89048 ssstevens89048 is offline
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Sorry more on re sizing for slide show making.

If you use irfanview and do it in batch resizing you can use the pixil or i
nches.I use the pixel and 640x 480 has Sandy says.

I do all of my images at 640 x 480 for my slide shows and they work great
. Only thing is on vertical shots then you have to make the height no more
than 480 or they get cut off on the bottom. With this sizing I have to do v
ery little cropping within the show itself. I generally make sure that I ha
ve a black background around the image so that it blends in with the screen
. I do mine all in psp. Sandy

Hi Sandy,

Being of the age I am it is best for me to work in inches ot
herwise I shall get in an even bigger mess J

640 x 480 px makes an even small than 4x3inch photo, is it that as long a
s the % is right it does not matter?

I can see that the smaller pixel size viewable is best overall.


Mick Cant

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Old February 13th, 2005, 04:59 PM
mrcycleuk mrcycleuk is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 1
Sorry more on re sizing for slide show making.

This sounds as if I am really bonkers, and I think I have been!
I have been re sizing photos for the slide show, (keeping the original
for printing) by cropping to size i.e. 4in x 3in, but some are 15 MB. as

I have now found that if I then reduce in Photoshop by reducing the
pixel size to around 40-50 KB the display is the same size but much
lower file size.
So should I now crop to 4x3in first then reduce the pixel size? Or will
reducing the pixel size alone do it?
I realise the opening time will be quicker, and make a file of 700 shots
a lot better size.
Can someone please tell me if this will be ok before I reduce all the

Mick Cant

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Old February 13th, 2005, 07:00 PM
mrcycleuk mrcycleuk is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 1
Sorry more on re sizing for slide show making.

Sent: 13 February 2005 13:38

I do all of my images at 640 x 480 for my slide shows and they work
great. Only thing is on vertical shots then you have to make the height
no more than 480 or they get cut off on the bottom. With this sizing I
have to do very little cropping within the show itself. I generally make
sure that I have a black background around the image so that it blends
in with the screen. I do mine all in psp. Sandy

Hi Sandy,
Being of the age I am it is best for me to work in inches
otherwise I shall get in an even bigger mess :-)
640 x 480 px makes an even small than 4x3inch photo, is it that as long
as the % is right it does not matter?
I can see that the smaller pixel size viewable is best overall.


Mick Cant

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